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Ideas in Motion

Will Humanoids become Cyborgs in the future?

Jul 25, 2024 10:00:29 AM / by posted in technology, Robotics


Human/Machine hybrids (Cyborgs) are already here. Surgeries are performed every day, replacing worn and damaged hips and knees with steel and titanium parts. Implants are used to enhance life, such as enable hearing, regulate heart contractions, control prosthetic hands, arms, and legs, and allow communication with a computer. As we move forward with technology could this be the next step?

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Enhance Your Project with a Manufacturing Expert

Jun 26, 2024 10:18:27 PM / by


What challenges are you facing that are slowing down the design and production phases of your project? Knowledge? Capacity?Experience and skill? Solve those problems by partnering with a full-service provider that can help you:

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Limitations of datasheets and specifications in motors and motion control product selection

May 29, 2024 1:26:42 PM / by

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The Power of Gears: From Everyday Life to Industrial Machinery

Apr 22, 2024 3:04:41 PM / by posted in Engineers, Gears, Manufacturing, Medical Technology, mechanical components, Innovation


Where do we find gears? Better yet, where don’t we find gears? Chances are any machine with a moving part will probably have a gear.

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Exploring Space to Inspire Innovation on Earth

Mar 15, 2024 9:01:53 AM / by posted in Space, Innovation


While we were at MD&M West I attended an intriguing keynote address that focused on space exploration and its potential impact on innovation here on earth. The theme of “Unlocking the Potential of Space for Innovation on Earth” explored the advancements in space technology and exploration. Space exploration can possibly benefit the manufacturing industry and drive innovation globally. The fostering of international collaboration and inspire the next generation of innovators. I had never really thought about space technology outside satellite technology and robotics.

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Gear up for the new year – become more creative and organized

Jan 15, 2024 11:20:51 AM / by posted in Productivity, Self-Development, Problem-solving, Creativity, Eisenhower Matrix

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Becoming more creative and organized involves developing certain habits, mindsets, and strategies. By incorporating these mental exercises and organizational strategies into your daily routine, you can enhance your abilities to be a more innovative and productive problem solver.

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Robot Assistants Provide Support to an Aging Population

Dec 6, 2023 7:00:00 AM / by posted in technology, Robotics, Science

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People are living longer than ever before and by 2030, 1 in 6 people will have reached the age of 60 and over. A longer life brings many opportunities as well as challenges. As people age, they often face declining health and mobility, resulting in isolation and loneliness. Robot assistants for the elderly have gained increasing attention as a potential solution to address the challenges of an aging population. These robots are designed to provide support and companionship to the elderly, especially those who may be living alone or experiencing physical and cognitive limitations. Here are some key features and functions of robot assistants for the elderly:

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Transforming Traditional Farming Methods – Agricultural Robots

Nov 1, 2023 11:21:54 AM / by posted in technology, Robotics, Productivity, agricultural robotics


The world’s population continues to grow, creating an urgent need for food and a more efficient way of farming. To meet these necessities, today’s farmers are turning to technology, particularly agricultural robots. Agricultural robots are playing an increasingly crucial role in transforming traditional farming methods into sustainable, efficient operations. These robots are helping farmers address labor shortages and improve efficiency. Able to work around the clock performing tedious tasks that would otherwise be labor-intensive and time-consuming; they are making a dramatic impact on productivity.

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Technical Manufacturing's Return as a Path to Versatile, Purposeful Careers

Sep 30, 2023 6:00:00 AM / by posted in technology, Manufacturing

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After decades of technical manufacturing jobs taking a back seat to roles requiring a college education, jobs in high-tech manufacturing are quietly making a comeback. Several factors are driving the trend:

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The Dual Realities of Remote Work's Promise and Pitfalls

Aug 30, 2023 6:00:00 AM / by


Remote work involves employees forgoing the traditional office setting and instead working from their homes or any location outside of the typical workplace. It was a growing business trend for over a decade before the pandemic hit, and many companies had policies that allowed some or even full-time remote work. Still, it had yet to gain mainstream acceptance across industries. There are many hurdles for a company to overcome before implementing a remote work program, and before the pandemic only a small number of companies were willing to invest the time and resources into making it work.

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