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Ideas in Motion

The Power of Gears: From Everyday Life to Industrial Machinery

Apr 22, 2024 3:04:41 PM / by posted in Engineers, Gears, Manufacturing, Medical Technology, mechanical components, Innovation


Where do we find gears? Better yet, where don’t we find gears? Chances are any machine with a moving part will probably have a gear.

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Explore dual-channel motor controllers

Jul 21, 2023 12:07:22 PM / by posted in Engineers, Manufacturing, Productivity


A dual-channel AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) motor controller refers to a controller system that is designed to control the movement of two separate motors in an AGV simultaneously. AGVs are autonomous vehicles used for material handling tasks in various industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and warehousing. They rely on motor controllers to precisely control the speed, direction, and positioning of their wheels or propulsion systems.

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Six Benefits of Industrial Tradeshows

Apr 28, 2023 6:53:55 PM / by posted in Engineers, Manufacturing


After years of cancellations and virtual events due to the pandemic, industrial trade shows are back. Even with tremendous advances in how virtual events are conducted, they still cannot compete with the efficiency and powerful ability of in-person events to help brands form new business connections.

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Reshoring Microchip Manufacturing

Nov 30, 2022 6:09:00 PM / by posted in Engineers, Manufacturing, Problem-solving, Science

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The pandemic disrupted supply chains around the world and exposed many weaknesses, but one of the most glaring issues was in microchip manufacturing. Microchips are the engine that runs the modern world, from cars to mobile phones, computers, and electronics of all kinds, disruption to the production of microchips rippled through the world economy. Many industries that require advanced microchips in the manufacturing process experience delays and shortages. The shortages drove the price of goods up and contributed to rising worldwide inflationary pressures.

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Bureaucracy, Science and Engineering

Jul 25, 2022 9:40:42 PM / by posted in technology, Space, Engineers

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The James Webb Space Telescope is the successor to the Hubble Telescope and is one of the most expensive single devices built in human history. So far, the cost of the telescope has been more than $10 billion and operational costs will continue to add up over the years. The question is, is it worth it? What will be the return on the incredible investment in time, money, and resources? Some people argue that we should be investing in other more urgent issues, like healthcare, education, or environmental issues. But others believe that the search for new knowledge is essential for humanity's future and that every bit of new knowledge is invaluable.

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5 Advantages of Integrating Motors and Controllers

Jan 1, 2022 5:58:59 PM / by posted in Engineers, mechanical components, Mechanical Design


Motors and Controllers' roles in advancing and increasing areas of operation are vast. In this infographic, you will find the top five advantages that motors with controllers can have on your company ranging from saving time to saving money.


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The Designatronics SDP/SI Center Distance Designer Tool

Jun 17, 2020 6:00:00 AM / by posted in Engineers, Pulleys, Belts, Mechanical Design


With a global customer base of over 15,000 firms in the aerospace, defense, medical, and industrial sectors, Designatronics, Inc., has emerged as a leader in the design and sale of high-quality small power transmission components. Since it began operations in 1950, the company has expanded to three brands: (1) Quality Bearings and Components (“QBC”); (2) QTC Metric Gears (“QTC”); and (3) Stock Drive Products/Sterling Instrument (“SDP/SI”).  Its 87,000 powertrain products include gears, belt and chain drives, shafts, shaft accessories, bearings, couplings, universal joints, vibration mounts, miscellaneous components, hardware, gearheads and speed reducers, right angle drives, brakes and clutches.

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Tribal Leadership for Engineers

Dec 6, 2019 11:53:17 AM / by posted in Engineers, Career, Leadership


What is “Tribal Leadership?”

After studying 24,000 people in more than two dozen organizations, three authors (David Logan, John King, and Halee Fischer-Wright) outlined some innovative, science-based leadership models. Their 2008 book, Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization, Logan et al., concluded that a company’s success depends on the strength of its “tribes.”

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Two Mental Traits of the Most Successful People

Oct 8, 2019 8:35:47 AM / by posted in Engineers, Self-Development, Career


Think back to your first couple of semesters as an engineering student. You were flooded with new concepts. Likely, the mathematics were more difficult than anything you had encountered in high school, and you worked around the clock to absorb it all. But you knew some of the difficulties when you applied for school in the first place. The challenges weren’t a mystery to you, and something drove you to take them on. Becoming an engineer is a big, challenging goal that many people are not ready to accomplish or could not, even if they tried.

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Staying Relevant for a Long-Term Career

Sep 16, 2019 12:48:50 PM / by posted in Engineers, Self-Development, Career


The Pace of Change

Most people understand that the pace of change is speeding up globally, along with the demand for more innovation. In a little more than 100 years, technological development has taken us from the first telephone call in 1876, to the first website in 1991. A mere 16 years elapsed between the appearance of the Internet and the first iPhone (2007). Since then, significant technological breakthroughs are happening each year.

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